Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Effort counts. Results have been counted.

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

How's everyone? Hopefully in the best of your Iman towaards Allah, the Prophet, the religion.

We won't have anymore MYC weekly meet this year, insyaAllah. Sad but true, I miss updating the blog for our weekly meets already. Hope everyone won't go astray from what we know, don't be enemies with what we don't know and searchers of truth, not loyal friends to nafs and syaitan. This goes to myself, first and foremost. And then to those reading this.

All the best in your revision for exams, don't forget about your examination during Akhirah as well. Pray, Solat Hajat, as well as solat Taubat. Remember, you ask from Him what you want (by solat Hajat). But you have sinned, yet you do not regret. Perform solat Taubat, insyaAllah will there be no sins to cover your heart from ilm.

Effort is your part. The result comes from Him.
Wish for the best, and do your best to deserve the best :)

So prostrate to Allah and worship (Him)
[53: 62]

Still trying to be the best in His eyes,
Public Relation Officer of MYC. 

As per comment from a fellow AJK, as this post may be too LACHIS for some people and this may create confusion and misunderstanding, I have Google Translated the above to Malay, with some editing of course ;)

"Bagaimana semua orang? Semoga dalam yang keadaan Iman yang terbaik terhadap Allah, Rasulullah dan agama.

Kita tidak akan ada pertemuan mingguan MYC lagi, insyaallah. Sedih tapi benar, aku sudah rindu mengemas kini blog. Harap-harap kita semua tidak akan lupa dari apa yang kita ketahui, jangan musuhi dengan apa yang kita tidak tahu dan jadilah pencari kebenaran, bukan teman setia kepada nafs dan syaitan. Peringatan ini ditujukan buat diri ini, terutamanya. Dan kemudian bagi mereka yang membaca ini.

Buat yang terbaik dalam ulangkaji anda untuk peperiksaan, jangan lupa tentang pemeriksaan anda ketika Akhirah juga. Dirikan solat. Solat Hajat, serta solat Taubat. Ingat, sebelum meminta sesuatu dari Allah, mintalah diampunkan dosa terlebih dahulu. Lakukan solat Taubat, insyaallah agar tidak ada dosa yang menutupi hati anda daripada ilmu.

Usaha adalah bahagian anda. Keputusan datang dari-Nya.
Berharap untuk yang terbaik,
dan melakukan yang terbaik supaya anda pantas untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik:)

Jadi sujud kepada Allah dan menyembah (Nya)
[53: 62]

Masih berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik di mata-Nya,

Pegawai Humas MYC."
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Solat Hajat Nov2010

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

"An invitation from Sawaddee Club for a charitable cause:

Pada hari Khamis, 11/11/2010 akan diadakan solat hajat bagi mangsa banjir (Selatan Thai), mangsa Tsunami (Mentawai Indonesia) dan Letupan Gunung Merapi (Java Indonesia) bermula jam 5.30 petang.

Pada masa yang sama, solat hajat bagi peperiksaan semester UBD juga akan diadakan yang mana bertujuan untuk memberkati semua pelajar agar peperiksaan akan berjalan dengan lancar.

Marilah kita meramaikan solat berjemaah ini.. semoga doa kita semua dikabulkan.. Amin.. Hope to see you there. Terima Kasih :)

Kerjasama dari: PMUBD dan Kelab Sawaddee"
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Monday, November 8, 2010

2010 Finale *sobs*

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

InsyaAllah, in Allah's permission, next Wednesday we'll have a very last weekly event for this year InsyaAllah. It'll be more light as compared to before, but requires more effort from everyone ;)

Date: 10th November 2010
Time: 2pm-5pm
Venue: Dewan Muzakarah Perempuan, Masjid UBD (just a few meters away from the female entrance to the Mesjid).

The activity is photo-taking! InsyaAllah, we'll reveal how to 'play this game' that day. Please bring your cameras! Or probably just your phone with camera on 'em.

Oh! And everyone is very very very much welcomed to bring in food, or a packet of sweets, or samboi, or a carton of milk. Whatever. Bring them in, insyaAllah let's cherish this one and insyaAllah by His pleasure, we close this semester with a heartwarming moment with the ones who love you i.e. every other members in this club :)

The Muslims are like one body: if one organ complained, the rest of the body develops a fever. [Bukhari]
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Friday, November 5, 2010

Ulum ad-Deen Nov2010

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

Everyone is invited to attend this blessed event, InsyaAllah:

Invited Speaker:
Yang DiMuliakan Pehin Jawatan Luar Pekerma Raja Dato Seri Utama
Dr. Ustaz Haji Mohd Zain bin Haji Serudin

Kehebatan Sifat Sabar Dan Pengorbanan
Pemangkin Insan Rabbani Yang Bertakwa

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010
Time: 2.00pm
Venue: Senate Room, Chancellor Hall, Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

Every word uttered by a child of Adam will be held against him and not in favor of him, except enjoining good, forbidding wrong and the rememberance of Allah.
(Narrated by Tirmidhi & Ibn Majah)
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