Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bila Semut Mula Menceroboh

“Maaaaa! Paaaaaaa! Ular pa ular! Ke sini lajuuuuu!” teriak Dayang Senandung terlompat-lompat menahan kegelian dan ketakutan.

“Ah! Mana, mana? Allahu Akbar!” jerit Haji Sarip Dol terkejut melihat ular sawa sebesar dan sepanjang tiang gol bola jaring yang sedang berlingkar kekenyangan di halaman belakang rumah mereka.

Perhatian segera diberikan, pegawai bomba dan keselamatan serta orang-orang kampong datang membantu keluarga yang terbabit.

Sejurus selepas itu, keluarga Haji Sarip Dol dilihat mula sibuk membersihkan halaman mereka.

“Behapa kamu tu Haji?” tanya Ketua Kampong Haji Karong sambil menghampiri keluarga tersebut.

“Ni nah menabas rumput-rumput ah. Samak jua banar belakang rumah kami ani. Mana inda ular sanang belingkar. Inda alang-alang ularnya atu, ular sawa. Salah kami jua banar, nda peduli halaman rumah ani.” ramah Haji Sarip Dol menjawab.

“Banar jua tu Ji ah, kadang-kadang masalah basar atu timbul, pasal banyak masalah bedamitan atu bekumpul bah, yatah mengundang masalah basar. Yatah ne hajatku kan bejumpa kadikau ani nah, kan bebincang sama-sama, kan bergotong-royong membersihkan halaman kampong tani ani. Banyak sudah ku dangar komplen jiran subalah menyubalah. Biawak lah melintas, ular lah melintas, anggak sama lipas atu pun inda kan tekira lagi banyaknya. Yatah kan bawa bisidia ani sama-sama gotong royong.” ujar Ketua Kampong beria-ia mengajak Haji Sarip Dol.

“Bah, bisai jua tu, mun ganya sebuah rumah yang bersih, sama jua ceritanya tu karang, lakat jua riuh kampong ani kan ular apa. Sebelum kampung ani jadi zoo, baiktah kitani betindak.” Haji Sarip  Dol teruja dengan idea tersebut lantas bersetuju.

Sesi MYC : We went to certain areas in Gadong and Kiulap, to observe mankind.

Dimanakah silapnya manusia melihat masalah umat sejagat yang setiap hari menjengah kehidupan kita. Diri kita ibarat sebuah rumah, andai diri kita terbiar kosong tanpa tahu bagaimana memandu kehidupan, jadilah kita umpama sebuah rumah yang selalu dikunjungi oleh ular, biawak, lipas dan sebagainya.

Begitulah kita. Umat yang diibaratkan sebuah kampung yang penuh semak, yang selalu dikunjungi ular-ular merbahaya serta teman-teman yang setia.

Apa yang perlu kita lakukan untuk menyelamatkan kampung ini daripada menjadi sebuah zoo? Bergotong-royonglah!

Berkatalah Rasul, “Ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya kaumku menjadikan al-Quran ini sebagai sesuatu yang diabaikan." (QS al-Furqan [25]: 30).

Ketahuilah. Ambillah pelajaran bahawa apabila semut menceroboh rumah kita, itu sudah cukup menunjukkan adanya gula yang tertumpah bukan?

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

We are back with another interesting activity to do. It is outing insha Allah! =D

Be at DMP at stated time and vroommm vroooomm we go! =D

See you there insha Allah!

p/s: Refresh niyyat always =)
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Sunday, February 3, 2013

The House of Islam

Knock knock!

"Who's there?" A voice from inside the house was heard.

"It's me! I need protection, please let me in! Some men are following me, I'm scared. Please!" A shivering voice pleaded.

The door was quickly opened upon hearing the response.

"Hop in. You'll be much safer here. I know them, they won't dare to come here. Come, I'll get you some warm coffee." The owner said with a smile on his face. But after a while his face was full of questions upon hearing the words from the scared man.

With only one leg inside the house and the other one outside, the shivering man happily said, "It's alright. I'll just stand like this in front of your house."

"But you are still in danger if you are to stand like that. They will see you here and they'll catch you. Come inside." said the owner rather amused.

MYC Session : Part of the activity. Distinguish between full-time muslim and part-time muslim.

So, would you expect the owner to treat the scared man properly with that kind of 'entrance' to the house of protection? He would rather not.

Allah has blessed us with the coming of Islam through His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad. He is pleased that we would like to enter Islam because we need warmth and protections from Allah, but how can we expect Allah to help us if we do not enter His Deen (Islam) properly?

His House has everything that we want, but do we really want to just have a 'peek' to what is inside?

Ask ourselves, do we really want to ignore the coffee offered?
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam secara kaaffah (keseluruhannya). Dan janganlah kamu ikuti langkah-langkah syaitan kerana dia adalah musuh yang nyata." [2:208]

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Friday, February 1, 2013

The Man who shook the world!

He was a good man.

Nobel and honourable.

He was the man that deserved an honour that no one could beat. That is to be loved by the Most Loving, Allah Azza Wajala.

That great honour demanded huge responsibility towards him. And because of that honour, we can still breathe the air of Islam today.

His father was 'Abdullah ibn 'Abd al-Mutallib.  His mother was Siti Aminah bint Wahb.

When he was still a baby, Halimah as-Sa'adiah and family took care of him and by the age of 6, he became an orphan.

But the life of this honourable man did not stop there.

Many would not remember what happened after that, but for some who love him dearly could never forget!

Who was this man?

He is the forgotten man. 

Name : Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah

Profession : Rasulullah, Nabiyyullah, Mu'allim, Student, Father, Husband, Grandfather, Bestfriend, Leader, Sultan, Strategic Planner, Politician etc. (You name it, he did all!)

Degree : All degree in the world (His 'ilm included those that is not in this world, uh-may-zing!)

Known to : Stand until his feet get swollen, miss those who mentioned his name in the future (yet he did not know who), cry a lot for the future of ummah and many more!

Yes you guess him right! Our beloved Prophet!

MYC session: Short but full of 'ilm of Rasulullah by Dr H Harapandi Dahri, KUPU SB lecturer. 

May the last session of MYC brought us together in remembering Rasulullah more and to get to know him better.

Allah did not choose a man to be His Messenger in this world if the man did not own the quality that Allah wants us to follow.

So let's dig more about Rasulullah! We claimed he's our role model. We claimed we love him. So let's prove that! Shall we? 

Insha Allah!
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