Monday, April 18, 2011

MYC Last Weekly Meet

Assalamualaikum Warahmatulah Wabarakatuh,

Still got the vibe of spark of fire? Still fired up from the last meeting? InsyaAllah, be sure to keep it UP & COME to our NEXT MEET

InsyaAllah, in Allah's permission, next tuesday we'll have our last weekly event for this semester InsyaAllah. It'll be lighter as compared to before. Because there will be a motivational talk by our invited speaker Cg. Ali Yusri. This is going to be interesting, so dont miss it! try to listen and be involved in this coming session, InsyaAllah.

Hopefully it will inspired us and make us strive even more for redha Allah.

All the best in your revision for exams, don't forget about your examination during Akhirah as well. Pray, Solat Hajat, as well as solat Taubat. Remember, you ask from Him what you want (by solat Hajat). But you have sinned, yet you do not regret. Perform solat Taubat, insyaAllah will there be no sins to cover your heart from ilm.

"..,dan berpegang teguhlah kepada Allah. Dia-lah Pelindungmu;Dia sebaik-baik pelindung dan sebaik-baik penolong." (22:78)

We close this semester with a heartwarming moment with the ones who love you i.e. every other members in this club :)

The Muslims are like one body: if one organ complained, the rest of the body develops a fever. [Bukhari]

Together we unite to strive Redha Allah, InsyaAllah



UPDATES! (18th April 2011)

Take note of the venue that has been changed to IHS SEMINAR ROOM, please spread the word! Jazakumullah khayran katheer for your efforts :)

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Friday, April 15, 2011


Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

We'll meet again! InsyaAllah! Here is the the UPDATES! This week's myc meet will be postponed to this SATURDAY which is tomorrow @ DMP Masjid UBD, 2pm onwards. So be please prepare yourselves for the topic:

"Spark of Fire" -- Burn the way or pave the way?

Are you curious? Question marks all over your head? Then InsyaAllah, tomorow, together we seek the Answer. ;)

Dont miss it! try to listen and be involved in this coming session, InsyaAllah. Hopefully it will inspired us and make us strive even more for redha Allah.

May Allah grants us His blessing from this event, reciting His words, remembering His reminders, thanking His guidance. Ameen.

Rasululllah S.A.W bersabda yang bermaksud: "Iman itu bukanlah angan-angan, bukanlah cita-cita, tetapi iman itu ialah apa yang tersemat di dalam hati dan di buktikan dengan lidah."

"Dan ini jalanKu yg lurus, kamu ikutilah ia. Jangan kamu ikut jalan-jalan (yg lain), nanti kamu berpecah dari jalanNya ....." (Al-An'aam:153)

together we unite to seek Redha Allah, InsyaAllah.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

MYC Weekly Meet

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

Alhamdullillah! We meet again and hopefully everyone is in the best of IMAN. InsyaAllah.

First and foremost, Mabruk! Wa Jazakumullahukhayran katheera for all of the members who responsible for the success of our first ever Islamic Awareness Week @ UBD. MasyaAllah, honestly speaking, I am proud to be one of them, Praise to Allah. ;)

InsyaAllah, there will be a meet up! :D our session will continue this week on Wednesday (6th April 2011). As usual, the session will start off by a brief talk and followed by the exciting bit where there will be an activity that involves everyone who would like to contribute their priceless opinion, ideas and experiences. As for this week, the topic will be a bit different “Menghayati Tahlil”. InsyaAllah, let’s hope this topic will bring us back and reflect back to ourselves.

May Allah grants us His blessing from this event, reciting His words, remembering His reminders, thanking His guidance. Ameen.

Be there with us! ;D

“Mahasuci Allah yang menguasai(segala) kerajaan, Dan Dia Mahakuasa atas segala sesuatu. Yang menciptakan mati dan hidup, untuk menguji kamu, siapa diantara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya. Dan Dia Mahaperkasa. Maha Pengampun.” (QS Al-Mulk [67]:1-2)



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