Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...
We'll meet again! InsyaAllah! Here is the the UPDATES! This week's myc meet will be postponed to this SATURDAY which is tomorrow @ DMP Masjid UBD, 2pm onwards. So be please prepare yourselves for the topic:
"Spark of Fire" -- Burn the way or pave the way?
Are you curious? Question marks all over your head? Then InsyaAllah, tomorow, together we seek the Answer. ;)
Dont miss it!
May Allah grants us His blessing from this event, reciting His words, remembering His reminders, thanking His guidance. Ameen.
Rasululllah S.A.W bersabda yang bermaksud: "Iman itu bukanlah angan-angan, bukanlah cita-cita, tetapi iman itu ialah apa yang tersemat di dalam hati dan di buktikan dengan lidah."
"Dan ini jalanKu yg lurus, kamu ikutilah ia. Jangan kamu ikut jalan-jalan (yg lain), nanti kamu berpecah dari jalanNya ....." (Al-An'aam:153)
together we unite to seek Redha Allah, InsyaAllah.
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