Friday, April 15, 2011


Share it Please

Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

We'll meet again! InsyaAllah! Here is the the UPDATES! This week's myc meet will be postponed to this SATURDAY which is tomorrow @ DMP Masjid UBD, 2pm onwards. So be please prepare yourselves for the topic:

"Spark of Fire" -- Burn the way or pave the way?

Are you curious? Question marks all over your head? Then InsyaAllah, tomorow, together we seek the Answer. ;)

Dont miss it! try to listen and be involved in this coming session, InsyaAllah. Hopefully it will inspired us and make us strive even more for redha Allah.

May Allah grants us His blessing from this event, reciting His words, remembering His reminders, thanking His guidance. Ameen.

Rasululllah S.A.W bersabda yang bermaksud: "Iman itu bukanlah angan-angan, bukanlah cita-cita, tetapi iman itu ialah apa yang tersemat di dalam hati dan di buktikan dengan lidah."

"Dan ini jalanKu yg lurus, kamu ikutilah ia. Jangan kamu ikut jalan-jalan (yg lain), nanti kamu berpecah dari jalanNya ....." (Al-An'aam:153)

together we unite to seek Redha Allah, InsyaAllah.

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