Saturday, September 10, 2011

MYC Open House 1432H/2011 !

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Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

Alhamdulillah, we're back!

How is everyone? And how's Imaan? ;)

Here, the MYC family is proud to invite everyone to

'MYC OPEN HOUSE 1432H / 2011' !
On this coming
Wednesday, 16 Syawal 1432H / 14 September 2011, 2:00pm @Dewan Muzakharah Perempuan, Masjid UBD.
(Further details are coming soon, so (stay curious and) check this site regularly!;))

Come, come !

This coming activity will feature: not just foods for the tummy, but also 'foods' for the soul! After two long, whole weeks of no regular meets - who is not hungry / craving for some Imaan-recharging? :)

Don't forget to bring your friends and/or that someone you have been meaning to ask for forgiveness but just can't seem to say it, and join in this joyous, 'soul-healing' occasion;) If Ramadhan left us to 'fix' our relationship with Allah, our Creator; Syawal is here to 'fix' our relationship with the rest of Allah's Creations.
Happy Eid Mubarak 1432H, ya muslimins & muslimahs!


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