Sunday, September 25, 2011

*Semester REOPENS!* MYC's 5th Weekly Meet

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Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

…Alhamdulillah, we’re BACK for the second half of the Semester! How was the holiday? InsyaAllah, may Allah reward everyone with the best of health, the best of Imaan, and the best of spirit – all rejuvenated, and powered-up to go through the rest of the semester, (and attend more MYC’s activities!), ameen!

Still remember what month (according to the Hijrah calender) are we in right now?

Over the past few weeks, we had been actively greeting people "Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin", but do we really meant what we've said? Or was it just another greeting that comes out of a habit? Come and join in next week's activity , when we are going to sit together and reflect upon the subject of "forgiveness" - its meaning, and its significance.

Wednesday 29 Syawal 1432 / 28 September 2011
2pm onwards
Dewan Muzakharah Perempuan, Masjid UBD

*yes, the venue is Dewan Muzakarah PEREMPUAN, but it doesn't mean that men can't come in. It's open for all! :)

Let us not forget the ones we have done wrong, and those who have wronged us; remember - if Ramadhan is the month of seeking Allah's forgiveness, Syawal is the month seeking forgiveness from others. Syawal is almost at its end, have you forgave and be forgiven?

“Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya: Sesiapa yang ada sebarang kesalahan dengan saudaranya maka hendaklah diselesaikan sekarang, kerana sesungguhnya di sana (di akhirat) tiada lagi wang ringgit untuk dibuat bayaran, (yang ada hanyalah) diambil hasanah (kebaikan) yang ada padanya, kalau dia tidak mempunyai kebaikan, diambil keburukan orang itu lalu diletakkan ke atasnya.[Riwayat Bukhari]”

- MYC M.T.

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