Wednesday, November 2, 2011

MYC Riadhah/ Rehlah Week!

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Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

Myc is proud to invite everyone to its replacement activity on
Day/Date: Wednesday 6 Zulhijjah 1432H / 2 November 2011M
Time: 2pm onwards
Venue: The Inspiring Hall, Student Centre (the new Cake-ish building next to the Café, in case you’re lost)

It will be a forum held in lieu with PMUBD where our beloved MYCians are the invited speakers, together with the other spiritual officers of all faculty student councils. (This is gonna be awessome!). Show your love and support by attending this meet! Attendance is recorded, and you shall receive a certificate for coming… but do come for the talk, and not the cert! InsyaAllah, only Allah knows how to reward everyone for coming.

The semester is coming to an end! The sitting shall be missed; the mini workshop shall be missed…Everyone shall be missed! Hope to see the familiar faces (and more new faces, insyaAllah!) in the next semester!

Leave everyone in Allah’s care; fi amanillah.

Heartwarming Salam for everyone,
On behalf of MYC, the Media Team

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