Thursday, April 15, 2010

2nd last and 'The Last Meet' of 09/10 session

Share it Please
Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, am not exactly the person who's time 'diberkati' ;)

Anyhoo, let's not drag too much. InsyaAllah in God's will, we will have a session later at 4.30pm, usual place. Just a short one but let's make it worthwhile, yes? Hehe. And next week, we'll have our last session of this semester, because apparently we all will be having our revision week the week after and our long awaited exams after that xD

Next week, Wednesday at 2.30pm, usual place. InsyaAllah in God's will. Please do come to this session as we will wrap up everything we've done for this year (2009/2010 session) and will be grateful for feedback and suggestions during the sharing session. An AGM of our own ;)

FYI there's a new book stall inside the Giant building, next to Guardian, and it's selling Raheeq Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar), English tafseers and other great writings. Have a visit or two (or three or four.... ) :D

Saiyidina Ali Abu Talib pernah bermadah, maksudnya: Jika engkau bersabar, takdir itu berlaku juga ke atas diri mu, tetapi engkau dikurniakan ganjaran pahala. Jika engkau tidak sabar pun, takdir tetap berlaku juga ke atas dirimu dan engkau berdosa.

Lawa kannn?
*credits to Lisa for sharing*

If our gentlemen ada gambar lawa, share share ah.

Hope to see you there, iA


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